April 2, 2012

Creative Process: The Prostrate Prostate

Scene: A 100 year-old farmhouse in the Napa Valley

LF: Lindsey Faileigh
LP: Lindsey Pogue

LF: Aggghhhh...I can't think of the right word to to explain what Dani's doing!

LP: Hmmm...laying over? Holding? Clutching? Smothering?...

LF: Well, let's see. (stands up and exits the room so she can re-enter as she acts out the scene.)

LF (as Dani): (She enters the room.) Oh no! Why is the bathroom light on? (she rushes into the bathroom and sees her roomate [LF's cat] lying on the floor) What's wrong Callie [Dani's roommate, not Lindsey's cat]? Wake up! (she slaps her unconscious roommate [but doesn't slap her cat!]. As the roommate [cat] doesn't respond [purrs] she folds herself over the other woman's [cat's] body, weeping)

LF (as LF): Okay so what am I doing now? (she's still hunched over on the floor, but the cat has wiggled out and is staring at her like she's crazy/he wants to play) Am I prostate?

LP: (exploding in laughter) Did you really just say prostate? (more laughter, maybe a few tears)

LF: (grumbling and laughing) I meant prostrate! 

Afterward: The word, "prostrate," did end up in the current draft of chapter 3. The word, "prostate," did not...

Read Chapter 3

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