Lindsey Fairleigh here, just waiting for my interview subject, Jason Cartwright. The ex-Green Beret kindly (okay, maybe "kindly" is bit of an exaggeration) agreed to have a little chat with me on the topic of ALPHA MALEs. How delicious. Ah...I think I hear him in the hallway...
As Jason walks in, I have a hard time not gawking. I always forget how simply LARGE he is. At 6'4" and just shy of 250, the man is a tall, hard, and surprisingly stealthy killing machine. To top it off, his chiseled face would make any ancient Greek statue jealous. And then there are his eyes...a blue to rival the Caribbean Sea. For a minute, I forget why I'm here...wasn't I going to...
JASON: Ms. Fairleigh. Oh, right, the interview. I watch Jason fold himself to sit on the log opposite mine. A pleasantly roaring campfire separates us, which is just fine with me...the man is INTIMIDATING as hell.
ME: Hello's nice to see you again. His lips twitch, but he says nothing. So, thanks for agreeing to this interview...I know you don't have a lot of free time these days.
JASON: Not a problem--besides, I owe you.
ME: What are you-
JASON: You know exactly what I'm talking about. His eyes flick to the petite red-haired woman combing a paint horse's mane. Ah, yes...Dani. I may have written them in a virus-ravaged world, but at least they had each other.
ME: Right. So, I'm actually here to talk to you about your role within your group of survivors. How would you describe your role?
JASON: His eyes narrow in thought for a few seconds. I'm the guy who keeps everyone out of the huge piles of shit you've so generously placed around us. Ah, how very Jason-y of him.
ME: Yes, well, I aim to please. Jason snorts but says nothing. Would you characterize yourself as an Alpha Male?
JASON: Like a gorilla with a dozen women just waiting for me to-
ME: No! I mean, that's not exactly the type of Alpha Male I was talking about...exactly. He chuckles and the sound electrifies the hair on the back of my neck. According to the Oxford Dictionary, an Alpha Male is a man who assumes a dominant or domineering role in social or professional situations. Do you see yourself this way?
JASON: That's a stupid question.
ME: I lean closer. Why?
JASON: Because you already know the answer. You're wasting my time. His eyes flick back over to the little red-haired woman. She's moved on the the horses tail.
ME: Women love Alpha Males. There are workshops...some call them "boot camps"...where men can learn how to be more "Alpha". What do you think about that? Worried about the competition. Jason barks a laugh, and I shift back on my log.
JASON: What competition?
ME:, if you weren't here, who-
JASON: I'm bored with this conversation and I have shit to do. He stands and nods his head at me. Ms. Fairleigh. He walks off in the direction of the small woman and her horse. As he draws closer to her, I can't help but notice the way his posture changes, softening, becoming more welcoming. I shake my head and stand to leave.

Jason Cartwright is a character in AFTER THE ENDING, book one of THE ENDING SERIES, to be released in late December. The story follows two young women as they attempt to survive a viral apocalypse and find their ways to each other across the desolate and violent United States. It is a story of survival, friendship, hope, and love...along with awesome ass-kicking and adventure. An excerpt of the
first six chapters can be found at our
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